Calculator configurator basics
Business rules and their execution are defined in Calculator configurator. Business rules engine is organized in three levels: Calculators Rules ... -
Rules are basic logical units of Calculator configurator. Each rule should logically perform a function which can be monitored as an individual unit... -
Formulas are the lowest level of configuration Ofca calculator can provide. Whatever calculation or value assignment you wish to achieve, you should... -
Formulas - Calculus
CONTENTS OF THIS ARTICLE Create a new calculus formula Operation Operand Result Create a new calculus formula To create a new calculus f... -
Formulas - Logical
CONTENTS OF THIS ARTICLE Create a new logical formula Operation Operands Comparators Results Create a new logical formula Logical formu... -
Parameters are predefined variables that correspond to the fields in the Offer. Here is the list of currently available parameters: Complex paramet... -
System values
System values or Constants are values defined throughout the Ofca calculator which are rarely changed. To create a new constant, go to System value...